Carcinogenesis, Teratogenesis & Mutagenesis ›› 2001, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (2): 81-085.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-616x.2001.02.005

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XU Jin-jie1, XU Xiao-hu1, YANG Shan-ming2, CHEN Fu2   

  1. 1. Department of Pathology and Pathophysiology, Shantou University Medical College, Shantou 515031, China; 2. Anti-cancer Research Center of Xiamen University, Xiamen  361005, China
  • Received:2000-06-08 Revised:2000-09-22 Online:2001-04-30 Published:2001-04-30

Abstract: Purpose : The antitumor effect of Zhenxiang capsule (ZXC) was studied on the human stomach cancer xenot ransplanted orthotopically in nude mice in order to provide scientific evidence supporting for clinical use. Methods : A t reatment was carried out with ZXC on the nude mice orthotopically transplanted model of human stomach poor2differentiated adenocarcinoma SGC27901 and the human well2differentiated adenocarcinoma MKN228. The animals were divided into 5 groups : the high2dose group of ZXC with a dose of 4 800 mg/ kg·bw , the medium-dose group of ZXC with a dose of 2 400 mg/ kg·bw , and the low2dose group with a dose of 1 200 mg/kg·bw , the positive cont rol group of mitomycin C with a dose of 1 mg/ kg·bw , and the negative cont rol group with normal saline. The ZXC was perfused into the mouse stomachs twice daily , 40 times altogether. The mitomycin C was administ rated by hypodermic injection once every two days , 10 times altogether. The efficacy estimation indices of the test included the life2prolonging rate , stomach index , sialic acid (SA) content of serum of the nude mice with human stomach carcinoma. The test was repeated 3 times. Results : ①In the ZXC high medium and low dose group , the life2prolonging rate of the nude mice with human stomach carcinoma SGC27901 were 57. 78 % to 72. 03 %( P < 0. 01) , 42. 22 % to 56. 59 %( P < 0. 01) , and 28. 13 % to 33. 79 %( P < 0.01) , respectively. In the positive cont rol group of mitomycin C , the rate was f rom 52. 58 % to 60. 62 % ( P <0. 01) . ②After the administ ration of the high and medium dose of ZXC , the stomach index and the SA content of serum of the nude mice with human stomach carcinoma MKN228 were all significantly reduced respectively ( P < 0. 01) or P < 0. 05) . Conclusion : The ZXC had remarkable anti2cancer effect both on the nude mice orthotopic t ransplantation of the human stomach , poor differentiated adenocarcinoma SGC27901 and the well-differentiated adenocarcinoma MKN228. Under the tolerant dose of nude mice , the effect was improved with the increase in doses.

Key words: Zhenxiang capsule (ZXC), stomach cancer, animal disease models, nude mice

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